At the end of round 1:
The winners go east
The losers go west
At the end of round 2:
The east losers go north
The west losers go west
At the end of round 3:
End of tournament
Match Format
1 8 game pro-set
No ad
7 point tiebreak at 8-8
​Unless otherwise stated below, all USTA rules apply
First curse¹: warning
Second curse¹: point penalty
Third curse¹: game penalty
First time smashing racket on the ground: warning
Second time smashing racket on the ground: point penalty
Third time smashing racket on the ground: game penalty
Third time ball abuse: point penalty
Leaving trash on your court after your match: -3 points
No drugs or vapes
¹Only if shouted on court, these rules do not apply to private conversations​
Advantages of The Compass Draw
Contrary to the traditional bracket draw, the compass draw is not single or double elimination. Rather the draw guarantees every player three matches regardless of the wins and losses a player receives. By guaranteeing three matches for every player, a player will not get immediately knocked out of the tournament only because he or she had an unlucky draw. Also by not having single or double elimination, the players will not feel as bad when losing a match because they aren't out of the tournament. Another benefit of this type of draw is that players of similar skill levels end up playing each other in the brackets as the tournament plays out.